Action Fantasy Romance
The story of Chinese legendary anti-hero Zhong Kui, a young man endowed with mysterious powers who is forced into a battle among the realms of Heaven, Earth and Hell in the course of his attempt to save his countrymen and the woman he loves.
Directed by
Peter Pau Tak-Hai, Zhao Tianyu
Written by
Guo Junli
Li Bingbing
Snow Demon
Bao Bei Er
Du Ping
Chen Kun
Zhong Kui
Yang Zishan
Zhong Ling
Madina Memet
Yellow Fox
Winston Chao
Zhang Daoxian
Jike Junyi
Yi Wei
Liu Zhanling
Fatty's Husband
Choenyi Tsering
Demon Girl
Liu Linger
Demon Girl
Hou Yidi
Red Fox
Chun Kang Wang
Demon slayer head
Huang Huan
Nine-Tailed Fox
Luo Wenbo
White Fox
Tam Wai-Man

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