Drama TV Movie
The true story of an eleven year old girl who has a reputation for telling tall tales. So when she accuses her father of molesting her, will anybody believe her story?
Directed by
Jorge Montesi
Written by
Nancy Isaak
Gavin Buhr
Kevin McNulty
Rosemary Dunsmore
Mary Farrow
Art Hindle
Gilbert Jonathan 'Gil' Farrow
Susan Hogan
Helen Browne
Joel Palmer
Patrick Farrow
Philip Akin
Dr. Kerr
Ashleigh Aston Moore
Jean 'Nini' Farrow
Kate Nelligan
Susan Miori
Roman Podhora
Keith Berezuk
Kaj-Erik Eriksen
Wendy Van Riesen
Mrs. Hildebrandt
Michelle St. John
Janice Wilson
Janne Mortil
Christina 'Chrissy' Farrow Berezuk
Vanessa King
Kelly Farrow

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