Western Romance
Down-and-out cowhand Jim Garry is asked by his old friend Tate Riling to help mediate a cattle dispute. When Garry arrives, however, it soon becomes clear that Riling has not been entirely forthright. Garry uncovers Riling's plot to dupe local rancher John Lufton out of a fortune. When Lufton's firecracker of a daughter, Amy, gets involved, Garry must choose between his old loyalties and what he knows to be right.
Directed by
Robert Wise
Robert Mitchum
Jim Garry
Walter Brennan
Kris Barden
Robert Preston
Tate Riling
Frank Faylen
Jake Pindalest
Harry Carey, Jr.
Cowboy (uncredited)
Tom Tully
John Lufton
Charles McGraw
Milo Sweet
Barbara Bel Geddes
Amy Lufton
Robert Bray
Bart Daniels
Tom Tyler
Frank Reardon
Zon Murray
Nels Titterton
Iron Eyes Cody
Toma (uncredited)
Clifton Young
Joe Shotten
Phyllis Thaxter
Carol Lufton
Bud Osborne
Cap Willis
Tom Keene
Ted Elser
Chris-Pin Martin
Commissary Bartender (uncredited)
George Cooper
Fred Barden
Joe Devlin
Barney (uncredited)

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