Horror Thriller Drama Music TV Movie
In 1846, Anthony Hope sails into London with the mysterious Sweeney Todd, a once-naive barber whose life and marriage was uprooted by a corrupt justice system. Todd confides in Nellie Lovett, the owner of a local meat pie shop, and the two become partners, as Todd swears revenge on those that have wronged him and decides to take up his old profession.
Directed by
Lonny Price
Written by
Stephen Sondheim, Hugh Wheeler
Emma Thompson
Mrs. Lovett
Audra McDonald
Beggar Woman
Christian Borle
Erin Mackey
Philip Quast
Judge Turpin
Jeff Blumenkrantz
The Beadle
Bryn Terfel
Sweeney Todd
Zachary James
Jay Armstrong Johnson
Anthony Hope
Jenifer Foote
Kyle Brenn
Tobias Ragg
Patricia Phillips
Quintet Soprano
Alan Gilbert
Self - Conductor
Josh Rhodes

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