Animation Family Fantasy Horror
Leo San Juan, an insecure child of nine years old, lives eternally frightened by horror stories that Nando tells his older brother. Within these stories it is 'The Legend of Nahuala', according to which, an old abandoned Casona is possessed by the spirit of an evil witch known as the Nahuala.
Directed by
Ricardo Arnaiz
Martha Higareda
Xochitl (voice)
Jesús Ochoa
Santos (voice)
Rafael Inclán
Alebrije (voice)
Ofelia Medina
Nahuala (voice)
Manuel Valdés
Lorenzo Villavicencio (voice)
Mayté Cordero
Teodora Villavicencio (voice)
Andrés Bustamante
Don Andres (voice)
Fabrizio Santini
Leo San Juan (voice)
Bruno Coronel
Nando San Juan (voice)

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