Adventure Comedy Romance
On his twenty-first birthday, the Prince goes on a quest that takes him across the land searching for the one woman that gets him sexually excited, Princess Sleeping Beauty.
Directed by
Harry Hurwitz
Simmy Bow
Dr. Mustachio
Linnea Quigley
Sleeping Beauty
Jeff Doucette
Angela Aames
Little Bo Peep
Brenda Fogarty
Gussie Gander
Angelo Rossitto
Irwin Corey
Dr. Eyes
Don Sparks
Sy Richardson
Mariwin Roberts
Elevator Operator
Alexandra Day
Jill (as Lindsay Freeman)
Anne Gaybis
Snow White
Robert Harris
Dr. Ears
Martha Reeves
Aunt La Voh
Robert Staats
Doorman / Tommy Tucker
Bob Leslie
Old King Cole
Nai Bonet
Idy Tripoldi
Naked Girl
Evelyn Guerrero
S & M Dancer

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