Crime Drama History
In 1945, in the train station of Bogota, Colombia, a dead girl is found in a trunk. The case is assigned to Detective Mariano Corzo, he has to deal with an inquisitive journalist Hipólito Mosquera while trying to solve the mysterious case. Nobody knows who the girl is, or who put her in the trunk. The things turn bad when Mosquera publish the news in the local newspaper. With the help of a bartender Martina Quijano, Corzo will find an answer for the question: Who killed the girl and why?
Directed by
Libia Stella Gómez
Written by
Federico Durán
Dolores Heredia
Jhon Álex Toro
Alfonso Ortiz
dueño del periódico
Orlando Valenzuela
Detective Porras
Edgardo Román
Detective Mariano Corzo
Álvaro Rodríguez
Diego Vélez
Hipólito Mosquera
Rolf Abderhalden
Fabio Rubiano
El periodista

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