Adventure Comedy
Toby, a cynical film director finds himself trapped in the outrageous delusions of an old Spanish shoe-maker who believes himself to be Don Quixote. In the course of their comic and increasingly surreal adventures, Toby is forced to confront the tragic repercussions of a film he made in his idealistic youth.
Directed by
Terry Gilliam
Adam Driver
Olga Kurylenko
Jonathan Pryce
Don Quixote
Stellan Skarsgård
The Boss
Rossy de Palma
Jordi Mollà
Alexei Miiskin
Joana Ribeiro
Óscar Jaenada
Jason Watkins
Will Keen
Sergi López
William Miller
1st AD - Bill
Paloma Bloyd
Diogo Andrade
Noble Dancer (Uncredited)
Jimmy Castro
Toby's Cameraman (B&W Film)
Bruno Sevilla
Client Rep
Jorge Calvo
Sancho Panza (B&W Film)
Ismael Fritschi
Sancho Panza (commercial)
Maria d'Aires
Panicky Woman 2
Lídia Franco
Panicky Woman 1
Alberto Jo Lee
Chinese Translator / Creative Creep
Filipa Pinto
False Angelica
Bruno Schiappa
Police Chief
José Luis Ferrer
Don Quixote (commercial)
Viveka Rytzner
Junior Creative
Joe Manjón
Toby's Mate
Juan López-Tagle
Spanish Propman

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