Drama TV Movie
The story of former Bayern Munich president Kurt Landauer, a Bavarian jew ousted by the National Socialists and brought to the concentration camp of Dachau, where he survived to come back and start to rebuild his old club after World War II.
Directed by
Hans Steinbichler
Written by
Dirk Kämper
Jeanette Hain
Maria Baumann
Matthias Ransberger
Bayern player 2
Herbert Knaup
Sigi Hermann
Johannes Krisch
Andreas Lust
Conny Heidkamp
Markus Böker
Colonel Kronbaum
Billie Zöckler
alte Frau
Daniel Christensen
Bayern player 3
Eisi Gulp
Josef Bierbichler
Kurt Landauer
Thomas Meinhardt
Andrea Wenzl
Inge Streicher
David Zimmerschied
amerikanischer Militärpolizist
Bernhard Butz
Andreas Lechner
Wirt Wehmeier
Martin Möllinger
Johannes Lechner
Lukas Ober
Uri Siegl
Hubert Pöllmann
Alexander Reichtmayer
Small Pole
Harry Täschner
Karl Scharnagl
Leni Wesselman
Sekretärin Scharnagl

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