Drama Family Animation
The tale of Jeremiah Kincaid and his quest to raise his 'champion' lamb, Danny. Jeremiah's dream of showing Danny at the Pike County Fair must overcome the obstinate objections of his loving, yet strict, grandmother Granny. Jeremiah's confidant, Uncle Hiram, is the boy's steady ally.
Directed by
Hamilton Luske, Harold D. Schuster
Burl Ives
Uncle Hiram Douglas
Bobby Driscoll
Jeremiah 'Jerry' Kincaid
Luana Patten
Harry Carey
Head Judge at County Fair
Clarence Nash
Vocal Sound Effect (voice) (uncredited)
Walter Soderling
Grampa Meeker
Beulah Bondi
Granny Kincaid
Matt Willis
Mr. Burns - Horse Trainer
John Beal
Jeremiah as an Adult - Narrator (voice)
Raymond Bond
Pete Grundy - Storekeeper
Bob Haymes
Singer Bob Haymes (voice)
Spelman B. Collins
Ken Carson
Voice of Wise Old Owl (voice)
Marion Darlington
Whistling Sound Effect (voice) (uncredited)
Jud Conlon's Rhythmaires
Vocal Ensemble (voice) (as The Rhythmaires)

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