Action Thriller
A reporter named Mullen 'stumbles' onto a story linking a prominent Member of Parliament to a KGB agent and a near-nuclear disaster involving a teenage runaway and a U.S. Air Force base. Has there been a Government cover-up? Mullen teams up with Vernon Bayliss, an old hack, and Nina Beckam, the MP's assistant, to find out the truth.
Directed by
David Drury
Written by
Martin Stellman
Robbie Coltrane
Leo McAskey
Gabriel Byrne
Nicholas 'Nick' Mullen
Greta Scacchi
Nina Beckman
Ian Bannen
Dennis Markham
Bill Paterson
Jack Macleod
Danny Webb
Danny Royce
James Fleet
Ministry Man
David Calder
Harry Champion
Prentis Hancock
Frank Longman
Oliver Ford Davies
Anthony Clegg
Denholm Elliott
Vernon Bayliss
Fulton Mackay
Victor Kingsbrook
David Hatton
Picture Editor
Al Matthews
First US Controller
Philip Whitchurch
Cuttings Librarian
Michael Johnson
Humphrey Channing
Lyndon Brook
Vass Anderson
Pip Miller
Police Sergeant Ross
Annabel Leventon
Trudy Markham
John Cannon
Greenmont Detention Centre Officer
Mark Tandy
Philip Henderson
Steven Woodcock
Steven Dyce
Frederick Treves
Arnold Reece
Graham Fletcher-Cook
Mickey Parker
Alexei Jawdokimov
Dietrich Kleist
Nicholas Coppin
1st Newsroom Deputy
Veronica Duffy
2nd Newsroom Deputy
Laurance Rudic
Beverly Anderson
David Lyon
Political Pundit
David Halliwell
Remand Centre Screw
John Rees
Minister at Funeral
Ravinder Singh Reyett
Club Doorman
Noel Johnson
Club Member
Hubert Rees
Club Waiter
George Ellis Jones
DCS Catterick
William Job
Daniel Foley
Second US Controller
Barbara Coles
Third US Controller

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