Drama Romance
A small town girl is caught between dead-end jobs. A high-profile, successful man becomes wheelchair bound following an accident. The man decides his life is not worth living until the girl is hired for six months to be his new caretaker. Worlds apart and trapped together by circumstance, the two get off to a rocky start. But the girl becomes determined to prove to the man that life is worth living and as they embark on a series of adventures together, each finds their world changing in ways neither of them could begin to imagine.
Directed by
Thea Sharrock
Emilia Clarke
Louisa 'Lou' Clark
Chuku Modu
Mauritian Waiter
Janet McTeer
Camilla Traynor
Vanessa Kirby
Alicia Dewar
Charles Dance
Stephen Traynor
Diane Morgan
Sharon the Waitress
Matthew Lewis
Sam Claflin
William 'Will' Traynor
Jenna Coleman
Katrina 'Treena' Clark
Joanna Lumley
Mary Rawlinson
Manuel Severi
French Waiter
Brendan Coyle
Bernard Clark
Stephen Peacocke
Samantha Spiro
Josie Clark
Muzz Khan
Ben Lloyd-Hughes
Rupert Freshwell
Henri Charles
Thomas Clark
Richard Goulding
Freddie Foster
Verity Marshall
Gabrielle Downey
Lily Travers
Pablo Raybould
Eileen Dunwoodie
Café Customer
Jessie Ware
Stephen Chance
Michael Lawler
Sharon Cherry Ballard
Hotel Receptionist
Alan Breck

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