Animation Family
Mirabelle and her traveling family band, the Veggietones, are determined to make their next gig at Vegtable Square Garden. On their journey, a fierce winter snowstorm hits, and the family gets stuck at a run-down resort! Mr. Beet, the grumpy manager makes me sing - and clean - for their supper. Why is Mr. Beet such a beast? And can Mirabelle's kindness change him? Find out in this hilarious and heartwarming tale of unconditional love!
Directed by
Tom Owens
Rob Paulsen
Finnegan J. Beet III (voice)
Kellie Pickler
Mirabelle (voice)
Cory Edwards
Phil Vischer
Cook (Bob) / Robby (Philippe Pea) / Templeton (Jimmy Gourd) / Silly Song Announcer / DJ (voice)
Mike Nawrocki
Larry Dill / Robby (Jean Claude) / Camera Guy / Talent Show Host / Roadie / Hotel Guests (voice)
Jim Poole
MacNiel (Scooter) (voice)
Megan Murphy
Sabrina / Hotel Guests (voice)
Marin Miller
Katrina / Madame Chalot (voice)
J. Chris Wall
Promoter / Reporter / Hotel Guests (voice)
Adam Frick

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