Crime Drama
Starting as an investigation, the film begins with the discovery of a murdered young woman. Gradually we go back in time to realize that this crime is altogether the logical continuation of a philosophy of life where neither sex nor death are taboo, and where a lust for pushing limits meets it ultimate conclusion.
Directed by
Roger Vadim
Written by
Stash Klossowski, Roger Vadim
Mathieu Carrière
Eric von Schellenberg
Anthony Steffen
Le Prince Sforza
Sirpa Lane
Charlotte Marley
Thérèse Liotard
Elisabeth Wiener
Sabine Glaser
Michel Duchaussoy
Louis Arbessier
Le père du Charlotte
Anne-Marie Deschodt
Annie Noël
La caissière
Josette Harmina
La mère du Charlotte
Igor Lafaurie
Le frère
Lilian Grumbach
La femme de l'éditeur Guy

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