Mystery Drama Horror
Half-sisters Aileen and Romina, along with first cousins Ruth and Sandra, reunite in Camiguin to bury their grandmother. Accompanied by Sandra's friend, Lucy, the five girls dare to call on the spirits of the dead when they find their old Ouija board from when they were kids. The Ouija board is burned by accident before they are able to finish the ritual, trapping a murderous entity around them. As they begin to realize the terror that they have brought upon themselves, Aileen and Romina's hostile relationship even become more strained, while Lucy's sanity brings a heavy burden on Sandra, and Ruth's boyfriend, Gino, is unknowingly pulled into the danger and horror that await all of them. Confronted by imminent Death, the girls have nowhere to go unless they can identify the spirit and find out where it is buried. It is only by leading the spirit to its burial ground that they will able to release the spirit from the Ouija board and survive its fatal hauntings.
Directed by
Topel Lee
Valerie Concepcion
Rape Victim
Jackie Lou Blanco
Judy Ann Santos
Rhian Ramos
Perla Bautista
Anita Linda
Lola Corazon
Jolina Magdangal
JC de Vera
Ruby Rodriguez
Iza Calzado
Desiree del Valle
Ryan Agoncillo
Flight Attendant
Angelo Ilagan
Ella Guevara
Young Romina
Nanding Josef
Ka Mano
J.C. Cuadrado
Sandy Talag
Sandy Talag

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