Drama Romance
Walter Lee Younger is a young man struggling with his station in life. Sharing a tiny apartment with his wife, son, sister and mother, he seems like an imprisoned man. Until, that is, the family gets an unexpected financial windfall.
Directed by
Daniel Petrie
John Fiedler
Mark Lindner
Louis Gossett Jr.
George Murchison
Ivan Dixon
Diana Sands
Beneatha Younger
Ruby Dee
Ruth Younger
Sidney Poitier
Walter Lee Younger
Claudia McNeil
Lena Younger
Roy Glenn
Willie Harris
Joel Fluellen
Stephen Perry
Travis Younger
Louis Terrel
George DeNormand
Employer (uncredited)
Thomas D. Jones
Chauffeur (uncredited)
Rudolph Monroe
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Ray Stubbs
Bartender (uncredited)

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