Horror Thriller
A woman named Emily checks into a hotel and offers the bellboy $2000 to temporarily marry her. We soon find out Emily is the caretaker of a wheelchair-bound mute named Helga, who was the childhood guardian of a pair of siblings: Miriam Webster and her half-brother, Warren, who is about to inherit the estate of their late father. Who is the mysterious Emily and what are her intentions?
Directed by
William Castle
Written by
Robb White
James Westerfield
Alfred S. Adrims
Glenn Corbett
Karl Anderson
Joan Marshall
Wolfe Barzell
Olie (Uncredited)
Patricia Breslin
Miriam Webster
Ralph Moody
First Hotel Clerk (Uncredited)
Gilbert Green
Lt. Miller
Richard Rust
Jim Nesbitt
Eugenie Leontovich
Helga Swenson
Hope Summers
Martha Adrims (Uncredited)
Joseph Forte
Second Hotel Clerk (Uncredited)
Alan Bunce
Dr. Jonas
Harry 'Snub' Pollard
Eddie, Bellhop (Uncredited)
Teri Foster Brooks
Mrs. Forest (Uncredited)

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