Drama Horror Mystery Thriller
An elderly couple move into an old, supposedly haunted abandoned house. A young girl comes to live with the pair as a companion for the wife. However, soon the girl is possessed by the spirit of another girl, a wealthy woman who had once lived in the house but who had been murdered there.
Directed by
Bernard Knowles
James Mason
Henry Smedhurst
Margaret Lockwood
Annette Allenby
Dennis Price
Dr. Robert Selbie
Edie Martin
Ernest Thesiger
Dr. Richard Marsham
O.B. Clarence
Moore Marriott
Dulcie Gray
John Turnbull
Sir Roland Jervis
Michael Shepley
Alistair Manning-Tutthorn
Muriel George
Helen Haye
Florence Manning-Tutthorn
Barbara Mullen
Emilie Smedhurst
Aubrey Mallalieu
Canon Mowbray
Helen Goss
Rosie - the Barmaid
Gus McNaughton
P.C. Hargreaves
Henry B. Longhurst
Inspector Barlowe
Clarence Wright

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