Action Adventure Thriller
CIA agent Jeff Larson is sent to investigate suspicious activities at a U.S. base located in southern Spain. He discovers the base is being heavily monitored by the KGB via hidden cameras and moles within the base, and he must find a way to ferret the traitors out whilst avoiding discovery of his investigation.
Directed by
Maurice Labro
Ray Danton
Jeff Larson
Horst Frank
Roger Hanin
Robert 'Bob' Stuart
Charles Regnier
Simon Walter
Pascale Petit
Pilar Perez
Wolfgang Preiss
Captain Parker
Louis Velle
Helga Sommerfeld
Lina Calderon
Grit Boettcher
Woman in green dress at the hotel reception (uncredited)
Carl Lange
Vassili Golochenko
Helga Lehner
Manuel Gil
Conrado San Martín
Cdt Luis Moreno

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