Drama Family
The Maclean brothers, Paul and Norman, live a relatively idyllic life in rural Montana, spending much of their time fly fishing. The sons of a minister, the boys eventually part company when Norman moves east to attend college, leaving his rebellious brother to find trouble back home. When Norman finally returns, the siblings resume their fishing outings, and assess where they've been and where they're going.
Directed by
Robert Redford
Brad Pitt
Paul Maclean
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Young Norman
Tom Skerritt
Rev. Maclean
Robert Redford
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Michael Cudlitz
Brenda Blethyn
Mrs. Maclean
Nicole Burdette
Craig Sheffer
Norman Maclean
Susan Traylor
Edie McClurg
Mrs. Burns
William Hootkins
Stephen Shellen
Neal Burns
Emily Lloyd
Jessie Burns
Miranda Garrison
MacIntyre Dixon
Police Sergeant
Camille Bonora
Helen Kane Impersonator (uncredited)
Vann Gravage
Young Paul
Rob Cox
Buck Simmonds
Fred Oakland
Mr. Burns
David Creamer
Ken Burns
Madonna Reubens
Aunt Sally
John Reubens
Uncle Jimmy
Arnold Richardson
Old Norman
Al Richardson
Mr. Murchison
Jess Schwidde
Mr. Sweeney
Rex Kendall
Martina Kreidl
Secretary at Newspaper
Margot Kiser
Philip A. Braun
Dealer at Lolo
Tracy Mayfield
Bouncer at Lolo
Anne Merrem
Hooker at Lolo
Chuck Tweed
Drunk in Jail
Prudence Johnson
Pavilion Singer
D. Gorton
Pavilion Announcer
Lincoln Quesenberry
Drunk in Alley
Hawk Forssell
Bouncer at Speakeasy
Jim Dunkin
Speakeasy Bartender
Jacob Snyder
Piano Player
Kathy Scharler
Waitress at Speakeasy
Don Jeffery
Black Jack
Byron Dingman
Speakeasy Patron
Cecily Johnson
Speakeasy Patron
Caleb Shiff
Young John

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