Comedy Family
Rich, eccentric T.J. Banner adopts a feral cat who becomes an affectionate pet he names Rhubarb. Then T.J. dies, leaving to Rhubarb most of his money and a pro baseball team, the Brooklyn Loons. When the team protests, publicist Eric Yeager convinces them Rhubarb is good luck. But Eric's fiancée Polly seems to be allergic to cats, and the team's success may mean new hazards for Rhubarb.
Directed by
Arthur Lubin
James Flavin
O'Leary, Manhattan Police Chief (uncredited)
Don Haggerty
Policeman (uncredited)
Leonard Nimoy
Young Baseball Player (uncredited)
Madge Blake
Mrs. Emily Thompson (uncredited)
James Griffith
Ogelthorpe Meadows
Jan Sterling
Polly Sickles
Chuck Hamilton
Detective (uncredited)
Gene Lockhart
Thaddeus J. Banner
Dorothy Vernon
Baseball Game Spectator (uncredited)
Sandra Gould
Housewife Bettor (uncredited)
Strother Martin
Michael 'Shorty' McGirk (uncredited)
Sailor Vincent
Baseball Game Spectator (uncredited)
Ray Milland
Eric Yeager
Brooks Benedict
Dill's Lawyer #1 (uncredited)
Tris Coffin
Dr. Henry J. Stillman (uncredited)
George Magrill
Policeman at Ballpark (uncredited)
Bert Stevens
Baseball Game Spectator (uncredited)
William Frawley
Len Sickles
Jack Perry
Baseball Game Spectator (uncredited)
Willard Waterman
Orlando Dill
Paul Douglas
Man on Park Bench (uncredited)
Billie Bird
Mona Lizzie (uncredited)
Taylor Holmes
P. Duncan Munk
Henry Slate
Dud Logan
Frank Sully
Big Head Charlie - Bookie (uncredited)
Oliver Blake
Cadaver Jones (uncredited)
Dorothy Davenport
Larry J. Blake
Police Radio Voice (uncredited) (voice)
Morgan Brown
Baseball Game Spectator (uncredited)
Charles Sherlock
Court Clerk (uncredited)
Ralph Sanford
Eddie - Brooklyn Police Chief (uncredited)
Donald MacBride
Edwin Max
Fish Eye (uncredited)
Stuart Holmes
Golfer (uncredited)
Mack Gray
Suspect in Polo Coat in Line-Up (uncredited)
Ben Welden
Oily Moe - Bookie (uncredited)
Jack Stoney
Henchman (uncredited)
Harry Cheshire
Mr. Seegle - Board Member (uncredited)
Howard Negley
Process Server (uncredited)
Gail Bonney
Woman with Dog (uncredited)
Wilbur Mack
Golfer (uncredited)
Al Ferguson
Policeman in Garden (uncredited)
Adda Gleason
Maid (uncredited)
Edward Biby
Weather Forecaster (uncredited)
Hal K. Dawson
Mr. Fisher
Elsie Holmes
Myra Banner
Jim Hayward
Joe Brooks
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Edward Clark
Judge Loudermilk (uncredited)
Jimmie Dundee
Pencil Louie's Driver (uncredited)
Joe Gray
Baseball Player (uncredited)
Joe Ploski
Henchman (uncredited)

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