Horror Fantasy
An Egyptian high priest travels to America to reclaim the bodies of ancient Egyptian princess Ananka and her living guardian mummy Kharis. Learning that Ananka's spirit has been reincarnated into another body, he kidnaps a young woman of Egyptian descent with a mysterious resemblance to the princess. However, the high priest's greedy desires cause him to lose control of the mummy...
Directed by
Reginald Le Borg
Michael Jeffers
Townsman (uncredited)
George Zucco
Andoheb, High Priest of Arkan
Lon Chaney Jr.
Bess Flowers
Townswoman (uncredited)
Barton MacLane
Inspector Walgreen
John Carradine
Yousef Bey
Claire Whitney
Ella Norman
Martha Vickers
Miss McLean - Student (uncredited)
Robert Lowery
Tom Hervey
Anthony Warde
Detective at Museum (uncredited)
Harry Shannon
Sheriff Elwood
Ivan Triesault
Museum Guide (uncredited)
Jack Perrin
Townsman (uncredited)
Carey Loftin
Ramsay Ames
Amina Mansouri
David Bruce
Radio Announcer (uncredited; voice)
Mira McKinney
Martha Evans (uncredited)
Frank Reicher
Prof. Matthew Norman
Emmett Vogan
Jack Rockwell
Deputy (uncredited)
Dorothy Vaughan
Ada Blake (uncredited)
Pietro Sosso
Priest (uncredited)
Eddy Waller
Ben Evans (uncredited)
William Desmond
Museum Tourist (uncredited)
Noble 'Kid' Chissell
Townsman (uncredited)
Fay Holderness
Policewoman (uncredited)
Oscar O'Shea
Museum Watchman
Steve Barclay
Tom's Classmate (uncredited)
Lester Sharpe
Doctor Ayad
Jack C. Smith
Deputy Joe (uncredited)
Caroline Cook
Townswoman (uncredited)
Oliver Cross
Museum Tourist (uncredited)
Carl Vernell
Student (uncredited)
Sammy Bricker

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