Drama Horror
Convent of Sinners is the story of Susanna, a young girl who is raped by her own father and sent to a convent for her sins, where she falls in love with a priest. The other nuns, however, are jealous and angry, they want Susanna for themselves, and accuse her of being possessed by the Devil.
Directed by
Joe D'Amato
Written by
Antonio Bonifacio, Daniele Stroppa
Jessica Moore
Sister Ursula
Gabriele Tinti
Aldina Martano
Mother Superior
Eva Grimaldi
Maria Susanna Simonin
Karin Well
Sister Teresa
Katalin Murany
Maria Pia Parisi
Gabriele Gori
Don Morel
Martin Philips
Monsignore Hébert
Beba Balteano

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