Action Adventure
The Summerking's daughter has been kidnapped, and the legendary hero of the desert comes to her rescue as he did when she was young. The Lone Runner proves to be an unstoppable hero with limitless fighting abilities. He battles those who would harm innocents, and does what ever else he can for them.
Directed by
Ruggero Deodato
Written by
Chris Trainor, Steven Luotto
John Steiner
Ronald Lacey
Miles O'Keeffe
Garrett - the Lone Runner
Savina Geršak
Analisa Summerking
Hal Yamanouchi
Nimbus, Skorm's henchman
Ottaviano Dell'Acqua
Emerick's Friend (uncredited)
Michael Aronin
Donald Hodson
Mr. Summerking
Helen Stirling
Miss Gunn (uncredited)
Steven Luotto

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