Drama Thriller
Paris is prey to an invisible terror against which the police can do nothing: a sinister organization that sows chaos and death. The intrepid journalist Philippe Guérande and his partner embark on a long crusade to put an end to the crimes of the Great Vampire and Irma Vep, his dangerous accomplice. (A ten episode movie serial.)
Directed by
Louis Feuillade
Germaine Rouer
Émile Keppens
George Baldwin
Louis Leubas
Father Silence / Satanas
René Poyen
Eustache Mazamette
Irma Vep
Jeanne Marie-Laurent
Madame Brémontier
Gaston Michel
Old Butler
Stacia Napierkowska
Marfa Koutiloff - The Dancer
Marcel Lévesque
Jean Aymé
The Great Vampire
Édouard Mathé
Philippe Guérande
Théodore Thalès
Examining Magistrate Hamel
Rita Herlor
Mrs. Margaret Simpson
Florense Simoni
Madame Guérande
Fernand Herrmann
Juan José Moréno
Paula Maxa
Hypnotized Woman / Fleur-de-Lys
Satanas' Secretary
Frédéric Moriss
Louise Lagrange
Jeanne Guérande
Suzanne Le Bret
Irma Vep's Maid
Male Dancer
Georgette Faraboni
Female Dancer

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