Sci-Fi Horror Action Adventure Fantasy Mystery
After the sheriff of the small town of Boggy Creek receives reports of attacks from a vicious beast bearing resemblance to the legendary Sasquatch, he enlists the help of an expert survivalist (The Outsider's C. Thomas Howell) and sets out to hunt down the creature. However, as they wander into the wilderness they discover that an entire tribe of Sasquatches awaits them. Now the enraged creatures descend from the hills and into the town to declare war upon its citizens.
Directed by
Brian T. Jaynes
Written by
Andrea Doss, Frederic Doss
Judd Nelson
Dr. Leonard Evans
C. Thomas Howell
David Sullivan
Deputy Walton
Holt Boggs
Sheriff Jim Taylor
Thom Hallum
Billy Blair
Slim Eddie
Chance Hartman
Audrey Ellis Fox
Taylor Weaver
Frederic Doss
Mark Klein
Jordan LeuVoy

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