Comedy Fantasy
A bawdy burlesque version of the famous fairy tale, Geppeta is a frustrated and nubile young virgin. She carves Pinocchio as a gorgeous young hunk. Geppeta's fairy godmother magically transforms the young stud into a living man, who is quickly brought to work in the local whorehouse as a prize stud and exhibitionist.
Directed by
Corey Allen
Uschi Digard
Lilly (uncredited)
Debbie Osborne
Dyanne Thorne
Fairy Godmother
Vincene Wallace
Sandy Dempsey
Sex Show Girl (uncredited)
Gwen Van Dam
Madame Suburbia
Monica Gayle
Neola Graef
Barbara Mills
Sex Show Girl (uncredited)
Casey Larrain
Sex Show Girl (uncredited)
Carolyn Brandt
Sex Show Viewer (uncredited)
Michael Donovan O'Donnell
Party Guy (uncredited)
Chris Warfield
Party Guest (uncredited)
Lynn Harris
Loving Woman (uncredited)
Alex Roman
Karen Smith
Anna Travers
Sex Show Girl (uncredited)
Ruthann Lott
Party Girl (uncredited)
Elizabeth Bell
La Contessa

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