Animation Action Adventure
After the events of Link Joker-hen, Takuto Tatsunagi announced an invite-only tournament in a dream, and invited both Aichi and Kai to take part in "Messiah Scramble". The prize being the card named "Messiah", the name of a saviour that was heard in a dream. At the same time, there were many incidents of units disappearing from Vanguard cards throughout the world. Aichi and Kai team up to a confront an enemy that threatens the peace they've just regained. The movie is a prequel to Legion, leading up to Aichi's disappearance.
Directed by
Shin Itagaki
Yoshino Nanjou
Rekka Tatsunagi
Takuya Sato
Toshiki Kai
Toru Nara
Ishida Naoki
Atsushi Abe
Suzuko Mimori
Tsubasa Yonaga
Aichi Sendō
Izumi Kitta
Misaki Tokura
Shizuka Ishikawa
Kamui Katsuragi

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