Comedy Drama
After their father abruptly sells the beloved family-owned restaurant that has employed them for years, the charismatic McDermott boys - hot-tempered Brian (Quill), lovelorn Kit (Mulroney) and jokester Duncan (Astin) - find themselves at odds with their parents and each other.
Directed by
Lee Grant
Written by
Monte Merrick
Dermot Mulroney
Kit McDermott
Sean Astin
Duncan McDermott
Stockard Channing
Nancy Trainer
Sheila Kelley
Beth Harper
Daphne Zuniga
Beverly Young
Melinda Dillon
Eileen McDermott
Dinah Manoff
Lois Cook
Lee Grant
Jim Haynie
Jake McDermott
Levon Helm
Denny Stockton
Keith Szarabajka
Kevin Burley
Tim Quill
Brian McDermott
Robert Sedgwick

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