Everything changes for fifteen-year-old Heinz Stielke, a fanatical member of the Hitler Youth, when he learns that his father, who died as a war hero, was actually Jewish. Heinz is forced to leave school, loses his friends, and worst of all, his mother dies in a bombing raid. A kind-hearted police officer tries to get him a place at an orphanage in Thuringia, but on the way there, he is picked up by the SS and sent to a training camp.
Directed by
Michael Kann
Written by
Michael Kann
Heide Kipp
Mutter Stielke
Barbara Dittus
Werner Dissel
Manja Behrens
Frau Meinreis
Erik Veldre
Dieter Mann
Christel Bodenstein
Margit Bendokat
Jana Mattukat
Rolf Ludwig
Thomas Neumann
Karl Sturm
Gert Gütschow
Antje Westermann
Angelika Perdelwitz
Berthold Schulze
Herbert Sand
Wolf-Dieter Lingk
Sebastian Kautz
Werner Godemann
Eugen Albert
Ilona Brömmer-Weiß
Werner Kanitz
Roland Kuchenbuch
Tilo Mandel
Horst Manz
Annelise Matschulat
Otmar Meinokat
Eckhard Müller
Willi Neuenhahn
Annemarie Ripperger
Uwe Rohbeck
Walter Ruge
Erich Staubach
Gunnar Teuber
Hasso von Lenski
Theresia Wider

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