Horror Action Comedy Romance
A week before Christmas a viral outbreak turns the citizens of Los Angeles into the walking dead. On the brink of severing ties with both his wife and longtime partner, L.A.P.D. officer Frank Talbot finds himself trapped with them. As death closes in their survival is further threatened by the fact that both men love the same woman.
Directed by
Sean Cain
Written by
Sean Cain
Felissa Rose
Elsa Lansing
Lew Temple
Jeffrey Hannigan
Vernon Wells
Paul Irwin
Jordan Lawson
Speeder #1
Domiziano Arcangeli
Jack Forcinito
Frank Talbot
Jimmy Williams
Henry Glendon
Shane Ryan-Reid
Michael J. Fox Zombie
Andy Hopper
Nash Jackson
Nadine Stenovitch
Sarah Talbot
Timothy Muskatell

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