Animation Family
Trevor is a true believer in the holiday spirit, so his skeptical best friend, Veronica, challenges him to show the world actual proof that Santa is real! Trevor and his friends embark on the adventure of a lifetime to catch Santa in action and reveal the true magic of Christmas. But they've got to find Santa before LeFreeze - a dim-witted monster who's carrying a serious 100-year-old grudge - and his snowman minions put Christmas on ice forever!
Directed by
Peter Lepeniotis, Jamie Waese
Written by
Steven E. de Souza
William Shatner
Santa Claus (voice)
Neil Crone
Kiosk Santa / Snowman (voice)
Cory Doran
Trevor (voice)
Nathan Stephenson
Errol / Gabriel (voice)
Lisa J. Lennox
Veronica (voice)

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