Horror Drama
Daniel, a writer seeking seclusion to work on his new book, finds himself stranded at a rural bed and breakfast run by a strange and prudish young woman and her ailing, wheelchair-bound husband who remains shut in his room all day. As night falls, a psychotic, razor-wielding killer begins stalking the bed and breakfast, brutally slashing the throats of its most sex-crazed guests, whose bodies and luggage then mysteriously disappear the following morning...
Directed by
León Klimovsky
Written by
Juan José Porto, Carlos Puerto
Antonio Mayans
Ana's Boyfriend
Ricardo Merino
Eva's Boyfriend
Ágata Lys
Sandra Alberti
Isabel Pisano
Heinrich Starhemberg
The Writer
Irene Foster
Aparicio Rivero
Veronica's husband
Tony García Jr.
Young boy

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