Animation Fantasy Action Romance Comedy
The wicked Badiyanu has come to capture all Earth's children to gain enough power to absorb the planet in her Black Dream Hole. The Black Dream Hole is in Badiyanu's castle and absorbs the dream energy from children. The more children Badiyanu kidnaps, the larger the dream hole gets. The Sailor Team must save Earth's children and prevent the Black Dream Hole from enveloping the entire planet!
Directed by
Hiroki Shibata
Kotono Mitsuishi
Usagi Tsukino / Super Sailor Moon (voice)
Megumi Ogata
Haruka Ten'ou / Sailor Uranus (voice)
Kae Araki
Chibi Usa / Super Sailor Chibi Moon (voice)
Masako Katsuki
Michiru Kaiou / Sailor Neptune (voice)
Yasuhiro Takato
Artemis (voice)
Kazuya Nakai
Orangeat (voice)
Toru Furuya
Mamoru Chiba / Tuxedo Mask (voice)
Kumiko Nishihara
Diana (voice)
Emi Shinohara
Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter (voice)
Michie Tomizawa
Rei Hino / Sailor Mars (voice)
Rica Fukami
Minako Aino / Sailor Venus (voice)
Aya Hisakawa
Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury (voice)
Keiko Han
Luna (voice)
Chika Sakamoto
Perle (voice)
Emi Uwagawa
Bonbon Babies (voice)
Nobuhiko Kazama
Banane (voice)
Chiyoko Kawashima
Setsuna Meiou / Sailor Pluto (voice)
Rihoko Tamegai
Badiane (voice)
Nobuo Hida
Poupelin (voice)
Ayako Ono
Bonbon Babies (voice)

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