Comedy Drama
A year in the life of Alice Klieg, a woman with Borderline personality disorder who wins the Mega Millions lottery, quits her meds and buys her own talk show.
Directed by
Shira Piven
James Marsden
Rich Ruskin
Linda Cardellini
Gina Selway
Will Ferrell
Kristen Wiig
Alice Klieg
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Deb Moseley
Alan Tudyk
Ted Thurber
Tim Robbins
Dr. Daryl Moffet
Joan Cusack
Dawn Hurley
Loretta Devine
Barb Vaughn
Rose Abdoo
Wes Bentley
Gabe Ruskin
Shanna Strong
Teenage Alice
Thomas Mann
Rainer Ybarra
Jack Wallace
Bud Klieg
Kulap Vilaysack
Grace Dao
George Basil
Technical Director #2
Mitch Silpa
Joyce Hiller Piven
Miriam Klieg

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