Drama War
This film predominantly deals with the problems of a young man whom his delusions led into conflict with society. These issues will throw him into an adventure that would be tragic for him, but still helpful for him to see the truth. The story takes place in Kosovo in 1945, in an atmosphere of uncured wounds, wandering, betrayal, burned homes, typhoid and other postwar misery. An authentic story from those days was taken as the film's basis.
Directed by
Živorad 'Žika' Mitrović
Written by
Živorad 'Žika' Mitrović
Voja Mirić
Doktor Homer
Pavle Vuisić
Velimir Živojinović
Simon Petrović
Ljuba Tadić
Stole Aranđelović
Janez Vrhovec
Jelena Žigon
Vera, bolničarka
Abdurrahman Shala
Istref Begolli
Jovan Milićević
Kapetan Vuk
Petar Prličko
Zdravka Krstulović
Darko Damevski
Panče Kamdžik
Vukan Dimevski

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