Drama Family Music
Heidi is orphaned and her uncaring maternal Aunt Dete takes her to the mountains to live with her reclusive, grumpy paternal grandfather, Adolph Kramer. Heidi brings her grandfather back into mountain society through her sweet ways and sheer love. When Dete later returns and steals Heidi away to become the companion of a rich man's wheelchair-bound daughter, the grandfather is heartsick to discover his little girl missing and immediately sets out to get her back.
Directed by
Allan Dwan
Written by
Walter Ferris
Shirley Temple
Heidi Kramer
Arthur Treacher
Dorothy Vernon
Church Member (uncredited)
Jean Hersholt
Adolph Kramer
Mary Nash
Fraulein Rottenmeier
Delmar Watson
Sig Ruman
Police Captain
Christian Rub
Pauline Moore
George Humbert
Organ Grinder
Mady Christians
Sidney Blackmer
Bodil Rosing
Village Woman (uncredited)
Marcia Mae Jones
Klara Sesemann
Helen Westley
Blind Anna
Thomas Beck
Pastor Schultz
Egon Brecher
Inn Keeper

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