Drama Comedy
A family (mother, daughter and son) tries to survive their loneliness and obsessions by going through different sexual experiences and relationships with a new neighbour, a prostitute.
Directed by
Roberto F. Canuto, Xiaoxi Xu
Written by
Xiaoxi Xu, Roberto F. Canuto
Javier Lopez
Alexandra Smothers
Lucy Bell
Kjord Davis
Johnny Black
Gavin Fonseca
Manuel Domenech
Kevin (as Tyler Vincent)
Ellen Clifford
Roberto Ricci
Police Officer #1
Roman Marshanski
Charles Wells
Priest / Mr. Smith
Kurt Morningstar
Yuka Ozaki
Lobby Asian Woman
Jesus Guevara
Sassoun Hagopian
DVD Shop Attendant
Larry Wang Parrish
Lucy's Chinese Client
Kay Hand
Homeless/ Lobby Woman
Aisha Halim
Lobby Woman
Alain St. Clair
Lucy's French Client
Irieno M. Crisanto
Child in the Street

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