Thriller Drama Crime
When a free-spirited sailor is found murdered, his twin brother, a famous novelist, is the prime suspect. Investigators uncover a possible liaison between the dead sailor and the writer's wife, and also learn that Sayed's successful fictions owed much to the inspiration of his brother Mahmoud's adventurous life. Just as the evidence against the writer seems overwhelming, Mahmoud turns up alive. But why are the twins never seen together...?
Directed by
Youssef Chahine
Written by
Naguib Mahfouz, Youssef Chahine
Huda Sultan
Soad Hosny
Ali Al Sharif
Mahmoud El Meligy
Madiha Kamel
Youssef Wahby
Youssef Wahby
Saad Ardash
Mimi Chakib
Ezzat Al Alaily
Sayed / Mahmoud
Abdul Rahman Abu Zahra
Ashraf El-Selehdar
Rashad Hamed
Seif Abdelrahman
Soheir Fakhry

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