Drama Thriller
A teenage gang led by the vicious Dexter, with his girlfriend Bitsy and friends Denny and Lummox, creates havoc in a small Florida town by harassing various people and vandalizing property... just for the hell of it. When a former gang member, Doug, tries to prevent their ever increasing violent antics, Denny takes it upon himself and a few loyal members of the gang to target Doug's girlfriend, Jeanne, to make him back off.
Directed by
Herschell Gordon Lewis
Written by
Allison Louise Downe
Allison Louise Downe
Ray Sager
Rodney Bedell
Agi Gyenes
Nancy Lee Noble
Steve White
Toni Newsholme
Julia Ames
Mindy Walters
Band Member Teenybopper
Pat Poston
Heavyset Teenybopper
Ruby Tuesday
Teenybopper with Dark Sunglasses
Brian Newsholme
Ralph Mullin
Larry E Wiliams
Geraldine Young
John Shackleford
Policeman #1
John Chaffin
Policeman #2
A.V. Dreeson Sr.
Police Chief
A.V. Dreeson
Lt. Sanders
Paul Jensen
Diner Owner
Barry Whitmore
Blind Man
Jim Pindras
Office Worker
Andrea Barr
Gail Lucas
High School Girl #1
Bonnie Henry
High School Girl #2
Dawn Willis
High School Girl #3
Lee Henry
Bar Patron
Jack Lee
Virginia Burrell
Old Lady
Dennis Jones
Victim Man
Joani Kramer
Pat Kubik
Linda Parsons
Painted Teenybopper
Gail Jenson
Janet Shaw
Victim Woman
Irene Stoeber
Ed Metallo
Robert Martinez
Joe De Ross
John Vardamis

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