Action Crime Drama
After a shoot-out kills five FBI agents in Kansas City the Bureau target John Dillinger as one of the men to hunt down. Waiting for him to break Federal law they sort out several other mobsters, while Dillinger's bank robbing exploits make him something of a folk hero. Escaping from jail he finds Pretty Boy Floyd and Baby Face Nelson have joined the gang and pretty soon he is Public Enemy Number One. Now the G-men really are after him.
Directed by
John Milius
Written by
John Milius
Harry Dean Stanton
Homer Van Meter
Richard Dreyfuss
Baby Face Nelson
Cloris Leachman
Anna Sage
Michelle Phillips
Billie Frechette
Steve Kanaly
Pretty Boy Floyd
Warren Oates
John Dillinger
Frank McRae
Reed Youngblood
Geoffrey Lewis
Harry Pierpont
Ben Johnson
Melvin Purvis
Roy Jenson
Samuel Cowley
John P. Ryan
Charles Mackley
Read Morgan
Big Jim Wollard
John Martino
Eddie Martin
Bob Herron

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