Drama Thriller War
Proud Irishwoman Bridie Quilty journeys to Dublin while World War II rages across Europe. During her travels, she encounters J. Miller, who recruits her as a Nazi spy. She acquires the necessary information that leads to the breakout of a German spy who holds key information about the Allies' newest offensive plans. However, the arrival of British officer David Baynes and his romancing of Bridie lead to unexpected consequences.
Directed by
Frank Launder
Written by
Wolfgang Wilhelm, Sidney Gilliat
Deborah Kerr
Bridie Quilty
David Tomlinson
Intelligence Officer
Joan Hickson
Hotel Manageress
Katie Johnson
Old Lady on Train
Raymond Huntley
J. Miller
Patricia Laffan
Bit Part (uncredited)
Trevor Howard
Lt. David Bayne
Torin Thatcher
Police Constable
Eddie Byrne
Irish Sailor Lookout (uncredited)
Everley Gregg
1st Woman on Train
Liam Redmond
Uncle Timothy
Peter Jones
Soldier in Pub (uncredited)
Harry Terry
Irish Smuggler (uncredited)
Olga Lindo
Mrs Edwards
Leslie Dwyer
Soldier in Café (uncredited)
Howard Douglas
Guest at Birthday Party (uncredited)
George Woodbridge
Cameron Hall
Tynwald Court Usher (uncredited)
John Salew
Man in the Bookshop
Garry Marsh
Capt. Goodhusband
Marie Ault
Mrs O'Mara
Kathleen Harrison
Waitress (uncredited)
Brenda Bruce
American Waitress (uncredited)
Kathleen Boutall
2nd Woman on Train
Albert Sharpe
Irish Publican
Johnnie Schofield
Villager (uncredited)
Jack Vyvyan
Village Postman (uncredited)
James Harcourt
Grandfather Edwards
Brefni O'Rorke
Michael O'Callaghan
John Vere
Bit Part (uncredited)
Michael Howard
Tom Macaulay
Lt Spanswick
David Ward
Oscar Pryce
Harry Hutchinson
Chief Mourner
Eddie Golden
Terence Delaney
Humphrey Heathcote
Sgt. Harry Harris
Kenneth Buckley
Radio-Telephone Operator
Pat Leonard
Liverpool Hotel Receptionist
Gerald Case
Col. Dennington
W.G. O'Gorman
Danny Quilty
Frank Atkinson
Soldier in Pub (uncredited)
Dorothy Bramhall
ATS Corporal
Peter Cotes
Brash Young Man
Bob Elson
Policeman (uncredited)
Josephine Fitzgerald
2nd Irishwoman
Austin Meldon
Customs Officer
Kathleen Murphy
1st Irishwoman
Doreen Percherson
Manx Hotel Receptionist
Norman Pierce
Dance M.C.
Tony Quinn
Galley Guide
Jim Winters
Irish Policeman
Harry Webster
Uncle Joe
Norman Shelley
Man in Straw Hat
Clifford Buckton
Plainclothes Man on Train (uncredited)
Hugh Dempster
Train Passenger (uncredited)
Arthur Denton
Mr. Cloggerty (uncredited)
Frank Ling
Soldier in Pub (uncredited)
Vi Stevens
Hotel Floor Cleaner (uncredited)

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