Action Adventure Drama Family
Teenager Angus adopts a stray dog and names him Yellow. Several days later, while travelling along the coast of British Columbia with Angus's father, John, the boy and dog become stranded when turbulent waters capsize their boat. Angus's parents relentlessly badger rescue teams. Angus, schooled by his father in wilderness survival skills, and assisted by the intelligent Yellow Dog, tries to attract rescuers.
Directed by
Phillip Borsos
Written by
Phillip Borsos
Mimi Rogers
Katherine McCormick
Bruce Davison
John McCormick
Karen Kruper
Tom Bower
John Gale
Jesse Bradford
Angus McCormick
Joel Palmer
Silas McCormick
Margot Finley
Matthew Bennett
Ron Willick
Yellow Dog
Josh Wannamaker
David Finlay
St. Clair McColl
St. Clair McColl
Jennifer Weissenborn
Labrador Helicopter Pilot
Gordon Neave
Flight Engineer
John LeClair

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