Crime Drama
Mobster "Baby Face" Martin returns home to visit the New York neighborhood where he grew up, dropping in on his mother, who rejects him because of his gangster lifestyle, and his old girlfriend, Francey, now a syphilitic prostitute. Martin also crosses paths with Dave, a childhood friend struggling to make it as an architect, and the Dead End Kids, a gang of young boys roaming the streets of the city's East Side slums.
Directed by
William Wyler
Humphrey Bogart
'Baby Face' Martin
Marjorie Main
Mrs. Martin
Elisabeth Risdon
Mrs. Connell
Sylvia Sidney
Drina Gordon
Minor Watson
Mr. Griswald
Joel McCrea
Huntz Hall
Ward Bond
Claire Trevor
James Burke
Police Officer Mulligan
Billy Halop
Tommy Gordon
Allen Jenkins
Al Bridge
Policeman in Drina's Apartment (Uncredited)
Don 'Red' Barry
Dr. Flynn, Intern (Uncredited)
Wendy Barrie
Fred Graham
Bud Geary
Kay's Chauffeur (Uncredited)
Thomas E. Jackson
Police Lieutenant at Killing (Uncredited)
Charles Halton
Whitey (Uncredited)
Esther Dale
Mrs. Fenner
Gabriel Dell
Leo Gorcey
Tom Ricketts
Old Man (Uncredited)
Bernard Punsly
Sidney Kibrick
Boy (Uncredited)
Lucile Browne
Well-Dressed Woman (Uncredited)
Bobby Jordan
Robert Homans
Policeman on Morning Beat (Uncredited)
Wade Boteler
Policeman at Killing (Uncredited)
George Humbert
Esther Howard
Neighbor with Coarse Voice (Uncredited)
Frank Shields
Well-Dressed Man (Uncredited)
Jerry Cooper
Baby (Uncredited)
Walter Soderling
Coroner at Killing (Uncredited)
Marcelle Corday
G. Pat Collins
Detective at Killing (Uncredited)
Charles Peck
Earl Askam
Griswald's Chauffeur (Uncredited)
Gilbert Clayton
Man with Weak Voice (Uncredited)
Bill Dagwell
Drunk (Uncredited)
Kathryn Ann Lujan
Milty's Sister (Uncredited)
Mona Monet
Nurse (Uncredited)
Gertrude Valerie
Old Lady with Old Man (Uncredited)
Charlotte Treadway
Woman with Poodle (Uncredited)
Maude Lambert
Woman with Poodle (Uncredited)
Wesley Giraud
Tough Boy Looking for Fight (Uncredited)
Mickey Martin
Tough Boy Looking for Fight (Uncredited)
Payne B. Johnson
Boy on Dock (Uncredited)
Larry Harris
Boy (Uncredited)
Norman Salling
Boy (Uncredited)
Hugh Sheridan
Boy (Uncredited)
Audrey Carol
Girl (Uncredited)
Paula Hariette Levy
Girl (Uncredited)
Tom Randall
Boy (Uncredited)

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