Action Animation Sci-Fi Crime
The upcoming installment's story takes place amidst signs of postwar reconstruction in the winter of 2028. Tensions are rising in New Port City as demonstrations are held concerning the interests of foreign cartels. This leads to a shooting incident involving riot police. It all started with a cyberbrain infection released by the terrorist "Fire Starter." An independent offensive unit led by Makoto Kusanagi entrusts the suppression of the situation to their ghosts and aims for their own justice. Below the surface of the incident, lies the "tin girl" Emma and the "scarecrow man" Burinda Junior. As Kusanagi deals with the incident, she draws near to what those two ghosts were seeking.
Directed by
Kazuchika Kise, Susumu Kudou
Ai Kayano
Emma Tsuda (voice)
Miyuki Sawashiro
Logicoma (voice)
Maaya Sakamoto
Motoko Kusanagi (voice)
Mayumi Asano
Kurutsu (voice)
Kenichirou Matsuda
Batou (voice)
Yoji Ueda
Paz (voice)
Kazuya Nakai
Borma (voice)
Aya Hisakawa
Zhinzhee Bekka Arr Thied (voice)
Takuro Nakakuni
Saito (voice)
Takanori Hoshino
Raizo (voice)
Shunsuke Sakuya
Ishikawa (voice)
Ikkyu Juku
Daisuke Aramaki (voice)
Tarusuke Shingaki
Togusa (voice)

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