Adventure Animation Comedy
In the series premiere, Baloo, an air cargo pilot, meets Kit Cloudkicker, a 12-year-old orphan, and takes him on as his navigator. He also loses his business to Rebecca Cunningham, a business major who becomes his boss. Meanwhile, Don Karnage, a notorious air pirate, uses a special gem stolen from Shere Khan's company, Khan Industries, to power a lightning gun and threaten Cape Suzette.
Directed by
Larry Latham, Robert Taylor
Written by
Mark Zaslove, Alan Burnett, Len Uhley
Sally Struthers
Rebecca Cunningham (voice)
Rob Paulsen
Ratchet (voice)
Charlie Adler
Mad Dog (voice)
Tony Jay
Shere Khan (voice)
Ed Gilbert
Baloo (voice)
Jim Cummings
Don Karnage (voice)
Pat Fraley
Wildcat (voice)
Chuck McCann
Dumptruck (voice)
R.J. Williams
Kit Cloudkicker (voice)
Janna Michaels
Molly Cunningham (voice)

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