Animation Comedy Fantasy
In a dark future wasteland, the great cities have risen and fallen, primordial beasts have reclaimed the wilderness and thieves and savages populate sparse, dirty towns. From the frozen north emerges a warrior known as Korgoth, and his merciless savagery may be his only key to survival.
Directed by
Genndy Tartakovsky, Aaron Springer
Written by
Aaron Springer
Tom Kenny
Hargon / Henchman #3 (voice)
Diedrich Bader
Korgoth / Henchman #1 (voice)
John DiMaggio
Stink / Scrotus / Henchman #4 (voice)
Corey Burton
Specules / Narrator / Doorman / Henchman #2 (voice)
Craig Raisner
Gog-Ma-Gogg (voice)
Susan Spano
Orala (voice)

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