Action Adventure
Young Robin Hood, in love with Maid Marian, enters an archery contest with his father at the King's palace. On the way home his father is murdered by henchmen of Prince John. Robin takes up the life of an outlaw, gathering together his band of merry men with him in Sherwood Forest, to avenge his father's death and to help the people of the land that Prince John are over taxing.
Directed by
Ken Annakin
Peter Finch
Sheriff of Nottingham
Bill Travers
Posse Man
Michael Hordern
Bill Owen
Richard Todd
Robin Hood
Martita Hunt
Queen Eleanor
Archie Duncan
Red Gill
James Hayter
Friar Tuck
Reginald Tate
Hugh Fitzooth
Richard Graydon
Merrie Man
Geoffrey Lumsden
Merrie Man
Wensley Pithey
Anthony Eustrel
Archbishop of Canterbury
Ewen Solon
Merrie Man
Hal Osmond
Much the Miller
Hubert Gregg
Prince John
Joan Rice
Maid Marian
Wallace Bosco
Peasant (uncredited)
Julian Somers
Posse Leader
James Robertson Justice
Little John
Anthony Forwood
Will Scarlet
Patrick Barr
King Richard
Elton Hayes
Allan - a - Dale
Clement McCallin
Earl of Huntingdon
Louise Hampton
David Davies
Ivan Craig
Merrie Man
Larry Mooney
Merrie Man
John Stamp
Merrie Man
Nigel Neilson
Merrie Man
John Brooking
Merrie Man
Charles Perry
Merrie Man
John Martin
Merrie Man
Jack Taylor
Merrie Man

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