Thriller Sci-Fi Action
When their ship crash-lands on a remote planet, the marooned passengers soon learn that escaped convict Riddick isn't the only thing they have to fear. Deadly creatures lurk in the shadows, waiting to attack in the dark, and the planet is rapidly plunging into the utter blackness of a total eclipse. With the body count rising, the doomed survivors are forced to turn to Riddick with his eerie eyes to guide them through the darkness to safety. With time running out, there's only one rule: Stay in the light.
Directed by
David Twohy
Vin Diesel
Richard B. Riddick
Cole Hauser
William J. Johns
Keith David
Abu 'Imam' al-Walid
Radha Mitchell
Carolyn Fry
Claudia Black
Firass Dirani
John Moore
John 'Zeke' Ezekiel
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Paris P. Ogilvie
Rhiana Griffith
Jack / Jackie
Simon Burke
Greg Owens
Les Chantery
Sam Sari
Vic Wilson
Captain Tom Mitchell
Clair Crowther
Raymond Leef
Rick Johnson
Paul Riddle

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