Drama Comedy
In 1923, Gregory Vance, a widower with two children, is a former scholar who has turned from book to bottle. He works, slightly, as a night-watchman, and his children, who know him for what he is and what he isn't, are his only admirers. Then, it is discovered that he is the only registered voter in a key precinct and the politicians, from both parties, arrive in droves bearing inducements. What he does about this situation, and the relatives who want to take his children away from him make up the story.
Directed by
Garson Kanin
William Demarest
Charles Dole
Virginia Weidler
John Barrymore
Walter Sande
Radio Newscaster in Montage
Esther Dale
Mrs. Markham
Elisabeth Risdon
Phoebe Ainslee
Murray Alper
Tri-County Distribution Truck Driver
Matthew Beard
Davy's Friend
J.M. Kerrigan
Hot Shot Gillings
Donald MacBride
Iron Hat McCarthy
Elliott Sullivan
Cement Man
Frank Sully
Policeman at Parade
Bud Geary
Cement Man
Benny Bartlett
Davy McCarthy
Donald Kerr
Milk Truck Driver
Roy Gordon
Brandon Tynan
Chester Ainslee
Granville Bates
The Mayor
Darwood Kaye
Boy Reading News Clipping
Maurice Cass
Children's Society Report Writer
Joseph E. Bernard
'Brad' Bradley
Terry Kilburn
Katharine Alexander
Miss Billow
Paul Everton
Mr. Offer
Robert Strange
Man at Party Meeting
Luis Alberni
Peter Holden

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